Horrible fun at Another Hole in the Head Film Festival

I'm not a big horror fan. It's not one of my favorite genres. Too many movies end with a waterfall of very fake blood. Often, I find myself rooting for the evil monster or the ax-wheeling psychopath. And yet, cinema has created several horror masterpieces. Consider the original Nosferatu, The Bride of Frankenstein, and Night … Continue reading Horrible fun at Another Hole in the Head Film Festival

Weird, German, or both: Two different festivals coming up

I just discovered a small, hopefully frightening film festival happening over this weekend. I've also got some information about the upcoming Berlin & Beyond festival later this month. As I write this, I haven't yet seen a single film in either of these festivals. Horror over Zoom Over the last weekend, SF IndieFest scared us … Continue reading Weird, German, or both: Two different festivals coming up