Charlie Chan, Sherlock Holmes, and the Strange Case of the Stereotyped Detective

Racism clouds old Hollywood movies. Even films intended in their time to be progressive and tolerant can look shockingly bigoted today. Consider Charlie Chan at the Opera, which the Stanford will screen Thursday and Friday. And that's just the beginning. The theater will screen Charlie Chan mysteries every Thursday and Friday through October 10, each … Continue reading Charlie Chan, Sherlock Holmes, and the Strange Case of the Stereotyped Detective

On the Moral Dilemma of Gladiator Movies

"Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?" I finally saw The Hunger Games a couple of nights ago. Pretty good for a modern Hollywood blockbuster. It's a gladiator movie, of course. Sure it's all dressed up in science fiction hardware and leftwing economic attitudes. The story involves a television spectacle where 24 mostly unwilling teenagers … Continue reading On the Moral Dilemma of Gladiator Movies