Kurosawa Diary, Part 29: Rhapsody in August

Little actually happens in Akira Kurosawa’s 29th and penultimate film, Rhapsody in August, and nothing really bad. Something horrendous happened 45 years earlier (the atom bombing of Nagasaki), but that’s ancient history. It’s time for Japan and America to forgive and, if not forget, then to honor the memory together. Six years after the devastatingly … Continue reading Kurosawa Diary, Part 29: Rhapsody in August

Kurosawa Diary, Part 24: Dodes’ka-den

Akira Kurosawa’s first color film, Dodes’ka-den, bursts with vibrant hues like a Technicolor musical. Yet it is arguably his most depressing work. A commercial flop when initially released (its failure so upset the director he attempted suicide), it has never gained a classic reputation. That’s too bad, because it deserves one. I rediscovered Dodes’ka-den last … Continue reading Kurosawa Diary, Part 24: Dodes’ka-den