Yasujiro Ozu: The Elegance of Simplicity

After Akira Kurosawa, Yasujiro Ozu is probably the greatest Japanese filmmaker. While Kurosawa is remembered for his samurai epics, Ozu is mostly remembered for his small, intimate pictures about family life. But he didn't just do small stories about families. In the 1930s, Ozu made crime dramas, like the ones that Warner Brothers were turning … Continue reading Yasujiro Ozu: The Elegance of Simplicity

Horrible fun at Another Hole in the Head Film Festival

I'm not a big horror fan. It's not one of my favorite genres. Too many movies end with a waterfall of very fake blood. Often, I find myself rooting for the evil monster or the ax-wheeling psychopath. And yet, cinema has created several horror masterpieces. Consider the original Nosferatu, The Bride of Frankenstein, and Night … Continue reading Horrible fun at Another Hole in the Head Film Festival