Stuck at home? Celebrate silent films if you can’t go to a theater

Today, if you have the time, watch a film with printed titles instead of dialogue. After all, today is Silent Movie Day. With the exceptions of the Sebastopol and the Elmwood, the theaters and festivals don't seem to care. If you're not a silent film fan, and you're wondering what's so special about 100-year-old movies, … Continue reading Stuck at home? Celebrate silent films if you can’t go to a theater

Dinner from the petri dish may be coming with Meat the Future

D+ Documentary Directed by Liz Marshall A Bay Area tech startup called Upside Food is working to help the environment and end animal cruelty. They take tissue from living animals (cows, chicken, ducks and others), and grow the meat in test tubes and petri dishes. Few living animals are involved, and none are slaughtered. For … Continue reading Dinner from the petri dish may be coming with Meat the Future

What’s leaving Criterion at the end of March

At the end of every month, The Criterion Channel removes a considerable number of films from their streaming platform. Here are some I suggest catching before April Fool's Day. Full recommendations A The Killing (1956) Stanley Kubrick started his Hollywood career with this crackerjack noir heist thriller. A career criminal (Sterling Hayden) orchestrates a complex racetrack robbery … Continue reading What’s leaving Criterion at the end of March